Sitting with a cuppa……spoke with my children and favorite people (they are my favorite people). I am looking out my porch windows at the traffic down the road. Hustle and bustle…Food Lion trucks, utility trucks, an ambulance and a fire truck just blew by. It is Easter Sunday….a day of reflection for some, a day of family get togethers for some, just a day of rest….and yet not for others who carry on the process of life behind the scenes….until we need them.
I remember having such a bad ear infection that Dr Marks made a house call (yep, in the 50’s they did that). It was a Sunday, and still he came and gave my mother a script for me. My dad had to call the pharmacist at home to open up the Rexall Drug Store and fill the prescription, and he did it without blinking. Partly because he knew my dad well and because he was a good man who took his job seriously and hated to see a five year old in pain. Yep….stores closed at 5 PM and on Sundays and holidays.
Finished another bib. They are so cute. I changed this one up to be a garter stitch. I think babies are pretty tactile and may like that.
I really wanted to cast on the Knitweave cowl that I picked up at Cheers To Ewe last week, but when I downloaded the pattern…wowzer….could not make sense of it. So, I made a one-on-one appointment with the lovely Sarah, who is an amazing and prolific knitter and crocheter to walk me through the setting up. Ohmygouda….I LOVE this pattern. …..well, so far…..
I think I would even like to make the reverse of this…..just to see. …the speckled white in the garter stitch. Couldn’t sleep last night, so I knitted until I got tired. My daughter made me laugh today saying I could have fallen asleep and hurt myself on the needles. Self-inflicted knitting injury… a whole new meaning to ‘needle junkie’.
I really think I am afraid to finish the socks for my BFF….because they are for her. Not that she is judgmental….I just want them to be perfect. Gonna jump on them this afternoon.
I think that is true for a lot of things and a lot of people…..are we afraid of failure….or are we afraid of success ?
Oh, look………….shiny