Monday Thoughts………..just

DONE…..yay me. Even all the ends threaded in.

I didn’t realize what an Anglophile I am…..many of the podcasts that I watch are by Brits of one ilk or another and I adore them. I know if I visited Britain and went around to where all my ancestors spent their time, I would come back to the States with a British accent. Especially if I was around Rosina (sp) of the Zeens&Roger podcast.
Even though the Grocery Girls are Canadian….that’s like one step removed from British. Let’s see….there is Zeens&Roger, Lesley Arnold-Hopkins, Amy Florence, Kat from Heather and Hops, Angie B, Tea and Possibilities, The Wee Sew and Sew (Scottish), Mina Philips/the Knitting Expat…..and more, I’m sure…..especially Caroline of Dunderknits/Knitting Vicariously……she is a spicy, funny, sassy, sweary girl that I would recommend to MY friends… that girl.

I cuss. People think I cuss because I was in the Navy…..not so. Then they ask, “well, when did you start swearing if you didn’t in the Navy” and I tell them…..”when I had children”. Swearing does not offend me. Name calling/labeling and ignorance offends me, but not swearing. When I worked for Cirque, we had people from all around the world…..many of our performers were former Olympians and circus performers. We had Russians, Polish, Chinese, Brazilian, Argentinian, Mexican, British, Japanese, German, French, French-Canadian (it was/is a Canadian company), ….you get the picture. They all thought it was funny to teach me their cuss words. You just feel so worldly by being able to say “arsehole” in a dozen languages.

When you have anger issues, counting to ten doesn’t always work and doing bodily injury to someone is not polite….I do not look good in orange….so I cuss. Sometimes I walk away sounding like the father in “A Christmas Story”, or that cartoon dog that always says “ratzzle/fratzle”. When I was a kid I would say things that SOUNDED like swearing to me…..rutabaga was a favorite…..phenobarbital was another…..I didn’t know what it was, but it sounded nasty. Like Ralphie in ‘A Christmas Story”, I found myself seated in the bathroom with a cake of Lifebuoy or Ivory soap in my mouth more than once. It was usually more for my vocal intention than the actual words. I would whine to my mother “but I didn’t SAY anything” and she’d give me THE LOOK and say “but I know what you MEANT”. She was little, but she was mighty.

So, socks are done and I’m done in. Later, gator.

Oh, look………shiny.